Upcoming Events

Garden State Speculative Fiction Writers's

Tues. Oct. 11 - Get Ready for NaNoWriMo
Tues. Oct. 18 - Tricks and Tips for Writing a Novel
Sat. Oct. 22 - Member Fall Event
Tues. Nov. 1 - Write-In #1 - NaNoWriMo Kick Off
Sat. Nov. 5 - Character Dreaming with David Sklar
Tues. Nov. 15 - Write-In #2 - NaNoWriMo Half Way There
Fri-Sun Nov. 18-20 - Philcon

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Workshop at the Old Bridge Public Library

Last night was the first NaNoWriMo workshop at the library. Six writers came out to to learn about NaNo, talk about writing, and for fun we did a few idea-generating exercises. As anyone who's done NaNo knows, you need a lot of ideas to fill 50,000 words!

The next workshop will be Tuesday at OBPL, 7pm. This one will be on "Tricks and Tips" for writing a novel.

Then on November 1st and 15th, we will have Write-ins at the library, where you can hang out and write with other people instead of sitting home alone.
